Southern Estates Planned Unit Development Detail
Southern Estates Planned Unit Development (PUD) is located between 40th Ave S and 47th Ave S and East of S Coluimbia Rd. to the Drianway East of S 17th St. Streets included are 41st Ave S, Tobi Lane, Edgewood Twin Home, and Ivy at SOCO area. Zoned areas include the Edgewood Developments, Sanford Health, SOCO, a Park, School, R-1 Single Family Homes, R-2 Twinhomes, R-3 Mutli-Famiily Medium Density, R-4 Multi-Family High Density, B-3 General Business and Multi-Use Development Plats.
Developers in this area are Thomsen Homes, Southern Estates and Miskagisi Properties.
Developer Information
Interested in a Lot?
Thomsen Homes
(701) 501-8598

General City of Grand Forks Zoning Codes
R-1 Single-Family Residence: This district is meant for single-family dwelling development.
R-2 One-and Two-Family Residence: This district is meant for one- and two-family dwelling development.
R-3 Multiple-Family Residence (Medium Density): This district is meant for the development of townhouses, condominiums, apartments, and other types of medium-density multiple-family units.
R-4 Multiple-Family Residence (High Density): This district is meant for residential uses of all types and other compatible uses in a pleasant and stable environment. This district may also be used as a transition zone between lower-density resident districts and commercial districts.
R-5 Mobile Home Residence: This area to be used exclusively for mobile home residence and limited uses.
R-M Manufactured Home Residence: This district is meant to increase the supply of housing by allowing developments that have manufactured homes on permanent foundations on private lots.
B-1 Limited Business: This district is intended for businesses limited to offices or services are permitted, providing that no retail sales or merchandising are conducted on premises.
B-2 Shopping Center Business: This district is intended to provide and area which may be applied to land in single ownership or unified control for the purpose of developing a planned business center with a unified and organized arrangement of building and service facilities at key locations which are suitable for such use and are centrally located with the residential area they are intended to serve.
B-3 General Business: The district is intended to provide an area located in close proximity to arterials or collectors in order that highway service types of land use can be provided and is designed to furnish a wide range of retail services and goods.
B-4 Central Business: This district is intended to provide an area for the purpose of developing a unified and organized business center which serves a broad service area with a variety of retail, service , office and public uses.